Lambton Primary School

Lambton Primary School

Believe to Achieve

Caradoc Close, Lambton Village, Washington, Tyne And Wear, NE38 0PL

0191 481 3993

Religious Education


At Lambton Primary School, we are committed to providing a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding to succeed in life beyond school. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners. We will aim high, striving for every child to achieve more than they thought possible. Our RE curriculum will nurture curious minds, stretch the imagination and provide opportunities for every child to discover their particular talents. At Lambton we provide a sound knowledge of 4 different world religions as well as allowing them to reflect on their own spiritual knowledge and understanding.  

We believe that education should take place in a fully inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all where children feel safe to try new things.


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in Religious Education, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Our curriculum follows the Sunderland agreed syllabus (2021), and meets all of the requirements set out in this document.  

Following the Sunderland Agreed Syllabus 2021-2026, pupils have the opportunity to

  • make sense of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs,
  • understand the impact and significance of religious and non-religious beliefs
  • make connections between religious and non-religious beliefs, concepts, practices and ideas studied

Each unit of learning is based around a key question approach. Teachers create a safe classroom environment to discuss questions about life and meaning; enabling pupils to share their own personal beliefs and allow time for reflection


Visits to places of worship, visitors, handing religious artefacts, response to pictures or images are part of the RE curriculum to foster a high level of pupil engagement. Children are encouraged to think about their own and other perceptions of people’s beliefs and the community around them.


Children explore a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. 


Teachers use the learning outcomes for each unit to devise appropriate learning activities to enable pupils to secure their understanding and skills. This then allows teachers to track children’s progress across a year. End of key stage expectations from the RE syllabus, provide a tool to identify those pupils who are on track and to devise appropriate learning activities for pupils who have not met age related expectations to enable pupils to secure their understanding and skills. 

The spiral nature of the curriculum means that pupils will encounter some of the same concepts in different questions at different stages. This is essential to support pupils’ ability to connect ideas and develop a coherent understanding of religion and belief, consolidating and embedding learning.

Considering the requirements and guidelines set out in the Sunderland agreed syllabus 2021, the following religions have been selected for study: 

EYFS: Christianity, as well as other faiths as part of their growing sense of self and the community they live in. 


Key Stage 1: Christians, Jews and Muslims


Key Stage 2: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus . 


We use individual assessments to track children’s progress in RE.  Children also complete their own self-assessments at the end of each unit.


Each class have their own learning RE learning journeys, where evidence will be recorded through pupil voice, photographs and handwritten work where appropriate


The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Lambton Primary School are equipped with skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3, and for life as an adult in the wider world. We want children to:


  • Know and understand different faiths and religions
  • Be tolerant and respectful of those who have different faiths and beliefs
  • Be able to identify the differences in various faiths and religions
  • Become critical thinkers and question effectively
  • Reflect on their own beliefs and the beliefs of others
  • Develop a sense of identity and belonging

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