Lambton Primary School

Lambton Primary School

Believe to Achieve

Caradoc Close, Lambton Village, Washington, Tyne And Wear, NE38 0PL

0191 481 3993

House Teams

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PE T-SHIRT SIZES ARE 3/4 years, 5/6 years, 7/8 years, 9/10 years, 11/13 years, small adult, medium adult.

House Teams at Lambton

Why do we have house teams?

We feel the children benefit from being members of mixed-age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other, gives them a strong sense of responsibility and belonging, and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in.

How many houses are there?

There are four houses with balanced numbers of boys and girls and numbers from Reception to Year 6. Family members are in the same house. Children are not moved into another house unless there are exceptional circumstances.

How are the houses managed?

Each house has a captain and a deputy house captain from Year 6. Children are selected by staff at the beginning of each new school year. The staff look for children who can lead, be good role models and support others. There is a house badge for the house captains, a house display in the hall, a house colour and a house cup.

When is the house system used?

There is a house point system with a cup awarded each half-term. The points are collected weekly by the house captains and deputy house captains, and the results are shared in assembly once a week. The house system is also used on Sports Day, subject weeks and during fund raising events. There is a meeting of houses at the end of every term, led by the teachers and captains. During this time, the children will take part in activities that will allow them to get to know their fellow house team partners.

How do children get house points?

House points are awarded for following our four rights. Any member of staff can award house points. Children have individual house point cards. Once children have collected ten house points, this is marked on their team’s boards (which are in all classes) and an individual prize is collected.

How does a house win the house cup?

House points are recorded on a classroom chart. At the end of each half-term, points are totalled and the winning house is awarded the cup. The winning team gets an extra special playtime or something equally as exciting just for them.

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